Invest in the future of gaming with Operal

We are excited to announce that we are now offering the opportunity to invest in Operal AG through the sale of our tokenized shares. This innovative approach allows investors to easily and securely purchase and trade shares of company.
Learn more about Operal
Important Notices:
Public offering is only open to persons domiciled in Switzerland and in the EEA: This offering to purchase the shares is only open to persons domiciled or resident in Switzerland or in the EEA. Persons from other countries are expressly excluded and it is prohibited to distribute this offering in any way in such countries. The offering is limited in Switzerland to CHF 8,000,000 per year and in the EEA to €100,000 per year.
No guarantee regarding forecasts: This website contains forward-looking statements and forecasts relating to the future development of the company and its business. These forecasts are estimates that we have made on the basis of all the information available to us at the present time. Should the assumptions underlying these forecasts fail to occur or if risks should materialize, then actual developments and outcomes might deviate from current forecasts.
No investment advice or recommendation: This website contains general information on the offering. This information does not constitute any replacement for financial advice based on the investor's individual circumstances and knowledge. Each person has sole responsibility for seeking the advice of qualified experts in order to assess the suitability of the offering and the associated risks for his or her own financial situation, as well as the tax consequences of potential participation in the offering.
Risks: An investment in the company involves significant risk, such as (i) risks related to the business and industry in which the company operates, (ii) operational and financial risks, (iii) risks relating to laws and regulations and (iv) risks relating to the shares in the company. Several factors could adversely affect the business, legal or financial position of the company or the value of its securities. Should one or more of these or other risks and uncertainties materialize, actual results may vary significantly from those described on this website and the offering material. An investment in the company is suitable only for investors who understand the risk factors associated with this type of investment and who can afford a loss of all or part of their investment.
Terms: The Widget Terms apply to the use of the BrokerBot and the Secondaries Module (the "Widgets"). Please read the Widget Terms carefully before using the Widgets. All transactions through the Widgets are solely between the company and the user. Any price indicated on the Widgets may be arbitrary and does not indicate that this is a "fair market value" of the shares. Any shares sold through the Widget are sold without any representations or warranties whatsoever.
Description of Business

Operal AG is a Swiss Startup working on gameification of impact. The B2B clients include Pensionfunds,the Liechtenstein Bankers Association, and large SMEs in Switzerland. On the B2C side Operal is providing Hypercasual Mobile Games with impact to the entire world and has established a extremly high reputation for excellence and innovation.

Founding Date
12 April 2021
Gaming, Impact, Education, Entertainment
Total Number of Shares
Treasury Shares
Tokenized Shares
Token Name
Market Price
Market Capitalization
Contract Link
No. of Shareholders
Liquidity (XCHF)

Registration Agreement

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Shareholder Agreement

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Secondary deals and settlement of private equity is today manual and cumbersome. Aktionariat solves this problem by allowing direct matchmaking and settlement between existing shareholders and new investors.

Trade directly with other shareholders or new investors by placing sell orders at the price of your choosing.

Registration Agreement

This agreement outlines the terms and conditions for using our services, including our privacy policy and acceptable use policy.

Please read the agreement carefully before proceeding.

Shareholder Agreement

This is an agreement between the shareholders consisting of a tag-along clause, a drag-along clause and other clauses. The drag-along can be enforced automatically if enough yes votes were collected.

We gamify impact ! 

And impact has so many facettes, brand loyalty, connection to users, nature, education and so many more.

On the other side humans want instant gratifications - and they do get it with gaming

Establishing Excellence:

Operal AG was created as a father - son enterprise merging the deep understanding of gaming, GenZ and Gen Alpha with the experience of a senior entrepreneur with a lot of business operations expertise and enterprise access. Over the years, Operal has established traction with impact and reputation for excellence in implementing projects in the gaming sector.

Our Mission

Our mission is to transform the gaming industry by introducing imapct and web3 features to add purpose to gaming and to help enterprises integrate gaming to connect to their customers.

Our Vision

Our mission is to transform the gaming industry by introducing imapct and web3 features to add purpose to gaming and to help enterprises integrate gaming to connect to their customers.

Business Model

OPERAL is uniquely positioned with dual revenue streams catering to both B2B and B2C sectors.

B2B: Partnering for Growth:

In the B2B arena, OPERAL collaborates with other businesses to integrate our gamification and web3 solutions into their operations. This includes implementing projects, providing consultancy services, and customizing gaming platforms for enterprise use. These partnerships not only generate steady revenue streams but also expand our technological footprint and innovation reach always following our motto: exploe - create -evolve.

B2C: Direct to Consumers:

On the consumer front, OPERAL taps into the gaming market by offering engaging, impactful games directly to users. Revenue is generated through in-game purchases, advertisments, subscriptions, and web3 assets, appealing to a growing demographic of gamers who value both entertainment and impact. This direct engagement not only drives revenue but also builds a dedicated user community around our products.

About the Founders

Operal AG is a father son venture. Both founders want to build a venture that lasts a few generations. In order to impact climate and society we have to act long term but offer instant gratifications to users.

The combination of a senior serial entrepreneur with a young mission driven ambitious representant of GenZ is the perfect mix for thriving enterprise. In order to complete the spectrum of skills needed for a successful company they onboarded Dr. Andreas Gmünder and Paul Odermatt two Web3 OGs they have been working with in previous ventures.

Toni Caradonna

President of the board

Toni Caradonna is a serial web3 entrepreneur who is in web3 since 2014 and in gaming projects since 2018.

Luigi Caradonna

Board member

Luigi is a passionate gamer - he represents the next generation of game consumers

Dr. Andreas Gmünder

Board member

Dr. Andreas Gmünder is a web3 lawyer with admission to the bar in Switzerland and Germany.

Paul Odermatt

Board member

Paul Odermatt is a early DLT adopter (2012) and has been very active in many DLT roles eversince.

explore - create - evolve

This is the approach we choose when we accompany our customers or when we create new products.

Exploration is at the start of every journey. We delve into the latest technological advancements, gaming and market trends to understand how they can serve our customers needs and how we can use them to create impact.

Creation means building - testing - finetuning. Each product is crafted carefully to ensure our customers needs are met. Our creation process is iterative, involving both our community and industry partners to ensure relevance and efficacy.

OPERAL is committed to evolution. Post-launch, we continuously refine our games and platforms. We use user feedback, data analytics, emerging trends and we react to  changing need. Always with the goal to create impact.

Client Statements

Our first customers are happy to share their experience they had with Operal and why they chose Operal

"Our clientele expects more than just high-quality services. They want financial institutions to contribute to solving the ecological and social challenges of our time"

Simon Tribelhorn

CEO , Liechtenstein Bankers Associaton

"We love the gameification  approach for impact! We highly appreciate the cooperation with Operal."

André Vanyi-Robin

- partnering with FC Barcelona

"Not only does it offer a fun and relaxing way to support our Olympic dream, but it also helps us make a positive impact on the environment. It's a win-win for everyone!"

Elena Sandera

Windsurfer on the road to Paris 2024 and LA 2028

More statements

"The cooperation with Operal was very efficient, fast and productive!" PASCAL INAUEN, CEO Urstamm AG

"With Operal we can now much better address our customers need." CHRISTIAN NAEF, Founder RY3T

"Gaming is a communication chanel. Kids don't use media anymore. The gameifciation approach helps us to educate tyoung people." Roman Eyholzer, Porini Foundation

"We had a great success with the gaming campaing managed by Operal!” RENE HENNEN, CEO Fund the Planet

"Operal's services were fast, uncomplicated, low cost and most importantly: They added massive value for our gaming company,including the reporting for the board and the investors" Gökhan Altinok, CEO

"Mit Operal haben wir den CO2 Fussabdruck für unser neues Spiel berechnen können. Dank Operal netPositive (TM) haben wir doppelt so viele Bäume gepflanzt wie wir gebraucht haben." Adrian Bolla, CEO Sun Core Games

We are raising capital to finance new projects and our expansion.

We will include a web3 functionality in our first produc ClimateCandy. With Hedera (Google, IBM, Hitachi, deutsche Telecom, TATA) we have a great infrastructure partner that guarantees high trouhgput and enterprise grade infrastructure and rollout..

Main Benefits for Shareholders

Private Equity is a long term investment with a time horizon of four to seven years. But the opportunities for a multiple 2x 5x 10x in gaming and in particular in web3 gaming are not negligable. In addition on thinking about the value of the share there

As a shareholder, you have the potential to earn a financial return on your investment through dividends and/or capital gains.

As a shareholder, you have the right to vote on important company decisions, such as the election of directors and approval of major transactions.

As a shareholder, you have the right to receive regular financial and other reports from the company, giving you insight into the company's performance and future plans.

Continued Success and Opportunities for Growth

Operal is a startup that after only three years produces games large retailers. We have consistent growth over the lastt hree years and we are now taking the nest step to accelerated growth.

The gaming market in general is bigger than the joint market for music and movies. We focus on one segment of the gaming market. Hypercasual and casual gaming - This sector of thmarket is still growing in revenue, turnover and users globally.

KPI Indicator

With our KPI Indicator, you can display the most important KPI’s, that best demonstrate for your business development.

Market Potential

Please only quote facts/stay completely transparent how you arrive at your numbers.
Should include market, number of potential clients.

Monthly Users
273 mio

People play Candy Crush on a monthlybasis

Daily Heavy Users
9 mio

users play Candy Crush more than 3h per day

1.21 billion

was the annual revenue of Candy Crush in 2021

CO2 retirements
>1800 t

With the MVP ClimateCandy operal has reached over 160'000 users and retired over 1800 t of nature based solutions carbon credits.


Over 160'000 people have played Operals MVP ClimateCandy that rewards users with impact .

Notable Shareholder

Inacta Ventures

  • Focus on web3
  • Partnership with Crypto Oasis
  • Invested in several successful startups including and rewardable

Sarah Brown

Managing Partner at Blue Horizon Investments
  • Specializes in socially responsible investing
  • Has invested in companies with a positive impact on the world
  • Supports Example AG's commitment to sustainability and CSR

Jack Parker

Principal at Summit Capital
  • Skilled at spotting promising companies
  • Has been a valuable resource for Example AG
  • Strong network in the tech industry

Elizabeth Maylor

Founder of Maylor Investments
  • Valuable partner for Example AG
  • Extensive experience in entrepreneurship and tech investing
  • Known for spotting promising companies

Price Chart

Below are the historic prices of OPERAL AG shares.

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Trade History

Below are the latest trades of our OPRS token.

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Outlook Share Price

On the Aktionariat Ecosystem the Tokenprice increases linearly. The more shares are sold the higher the price.

If you find the shares on decentralised finance the price finding mechanisms might differ. But be aware that you can only execute your shareholder rights if you are a registered shareholder.

Funding Progress

In this first public round during 2024 we want to raise a small ticket

Amount Planned to Raise
200'000 CHF
Where you create value

As our company grows and becomes more successful, it can generate additional value for investors through increased growht rates, higher profitability, expansion into new markets, and the introduction of new products and partners.

Current Badge - Ongoing
Sold Shares
Raised Funds
Liquidity Pool
First Badge - Sold
Sold Shares
Raised Funds

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Shareholder Registry

Why you need a registration?

Register your personal information to be automatically included in Operal AG's shareholder registry and exercise your shareholder rights.

Until you complete the registration process, you will only be a token holder and not a recognized shareholder of the company.
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Need more information?

Download our Pitch Deck for more information on our offering. If you need more information, our team is always happy to answer any questions you may have, so don't hesitate to reach out and connect with us.

© 2024 Operal AG.
Disclaimer: Please make sure you read and understand everything here.
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